Learning Environment

Teachers of science use resources, routines, and procedures to provide a respectful, positive, safe, student-centered environment that is conducive to learning.

The purpose for the learning environment standard is to ensure that teachers of science provide engaging opportunities for students while maintaining respect for their experiences and providing for their safety.  The primary goal of the standard is to define how the learning space and time must be maximized for the benefit of student scientific inquiry for understanding of content.  The central objective of the standard is to create a learning environment in which scientific skills are practiced, exploration is fostered, and critical analysis of research and theories is encouraged.

Maximizing laboratory learning

This student admitted privately that he had never seen things on a microscope slide that resembled images in the book or online. I was able to help him recognize the sample on the slide so that he could better center it under the microscope objective.

High school students often struggle with learning microscopy techniques, but are uncomfortable admitting these difficulties and asking for help in front of their peers.  It is essential for the teacher to be present and participating in labs involving microscopy to support student development of these skills and empower them to succeed with learning goals.




This student has mastered locating the sample and bringing into focus. Here, I am advising her that adjusting the light level allows more clear visualization of different structures within the microorganism.


Students need opportunities to explore different aspects of developing skills throughout the lesson.  Even when they feel that they have mastered the technique, teachers can give insight which allows their students to reach new levels of understanding.




Rotating the ocular lens changes the position of the pointer to highlight specific structures within the organism under observation.

Fostering peer teaching supports student confidence in those who have strong skills and provides alternative supports for students who are still developing those skills.  This student has mastered locating the sample, focusing on it at different magnification levels, and using the diaphragm to illuminate different structures within the organism.  She has asked how to use the pointer in the ocular lens to show her lab partners the structures she wants to describe.